
  • last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Moved to calendar-2-procs.tcl to calendar-procs.tcl and removed unused procs calendar_make_date, calendar_create_private, calendar_update

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

  1. … 598 more files in changeset.
- Rewrote calendar admin pages

- Rewrote calendar permission checking

- Fixed bug #261: Day summary doesn't show events before 7 am

- Fixed bug #1139: Times added between 8 and 10 am not shown in day view

- Calendars inherits permissions from the package to which they belong

  1. … 51 more files in changeset.
- Sanatize handling of personal and non-personal calendars

- Fixed one-day display including overlapping events

- Edit recurring events (apply to one/all)

- Edit calendar for an item

- Display clendar for an item

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
starting to add timezone support to the calendar package. Have not finished this task yet as we are waiting for Dirk to help us fix some major breakages that are preventing us from testing

    • -0
    • +17
  1. … 26 more files in changeset.