• last updated 13 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
Fixes Bug #1286: Changing permission for a given group erases previous permissions already given for that same group on the refered object.

merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

  1. … 597 more files in changeset.
bugfix #1117: paginated the list

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file perm-user-add-include.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

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more noquote stuff

Gave some Tcl files the I18N treatment. Removed duplicate key. Cleanup.

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
A bunch of added I18N keys and catalog entries.

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
Do not link to community-member page for user_id 0

Fixing this so that it correctly reads all selected privileges from the multiselect, not only the first one.

Use a multiselect instead of a table with checkboxes, which makes the UI work a little bit better when there are lots of privileges.

removing xql files not needed now that grant page uses Tcl procs instead

making permission grant page use tcl procs and removing two xql files no longer needed

Rewrote the code that builds the tree representation of the privileges, since the initial version was based on the false assumption that children could only appear once in the tree. Fixes #887.

Tried to clean up the hierarchical display a bit on Oracle, but it's still awfully broken

Oracle porting bug: missing 'from dual'

Changed the permission grant page to use the new 'party_search' widget which allows to search for the party to grant permission to within the form, and to display the privilege hierarchy in a html tree, to convey visually the information about privilege inheritance. This includes a big hack to build the hierarchy in tcl in the oracle version, since it can't be queried directly (join doesn't like connect by in 8i).

Add quick link to add a single user

Cleaned up

Improved instructions on inherited permissions

removed unnecessary ad_quotehtml calls

Noquote fix, closes Bug#570. Also added double quotes around links

generated by @controls@.

Noquote fix.

Merged 4.6.4d1 (unreleased) to HEAD. This marks the end of the life of the oacs-4-6 branch.

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  1. … 802 more files in changeset.
- Merge "do not allow admin to remove read from the main site" fix to HEAD.

- Prevent admin from being able to revoke read perms from the public and

locking him/herself out. Closes: #39

Added simple includeable permissions widget

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file perm-user-add-2-postgresql.xql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

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file perm-user-add-2-oracle.xql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

    • -0
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file perm-modify.xql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

file perm-modify.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.