
  • last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Changes for package_id that hadn't been (harumph) tested by the implementor

Remerge Timo's changes for tip 42,43, cf tip 53

  1. … 97 more files in changeset.
rollback of Timo's name, package_id commit; see TIP 53

  1. … 96 more files in changeset.
TIP#42,43: adding package_id and title to acs_objects table

  1. … 96 more files in changeset.
Oracle9i porting changes

- Changed procedure names from delete to del

- Changed view declaration to use actual column names

- Changed "rel_constraints_violated_one" and "rel_constraints_violated_two"


  1. … 275 more files in changeset.
replaced content_object_id with content_item_id

changed add_content from procedure to a function. we can then get the sequence number back into tcl, so we can edit data for that object

Big 'ole update to implement multi-db aware packages. Don't try this yet,

I can't *possibly* have gotten all the right files added and removed in

one fell swoop!

    • -0
    • +460
  1. … 118 more files in changeset.