• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
merge from oacs-4-6

  1. … 110 more files in changeset.
- Updated Docs for 4.6. Changes include:

- Use PG 7.2.3

- Use OpenFTS 0.3.2

- Major changes to AOLserver install

- Install AOLserver as root (so webserver cracker can't modify nsd)

- AOLServer now run as 'nobody.web'; regular user owns pages; pages are in user dir

- no more nsadmin account

- Add link at bottom of each page pointing to same page at openacs.org

- modified PG backup script to use defaults set in install guide

- modified export-oracle script to use 8.1.7

- added LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 to nsd-oracle script

- modified openacs4.tcl.txt config to set serverroot appropriately, set debug false

- incorporated lots of comments & emails (typos, URLs, etc)

  1. … 82 more files in changeset.
1) regenerated HTML docs

2) Re-added changes that didn't get merged over from the 4.5 branch

3) Added in comments from users on the live pages

  1. … 71 more files in changeset.

1) Added local vars to end of each xml file so that psgml-mode works properly

2) Added disclaimer to authorblurb stylesheet

3) Minor fixes to install guide

  1. … 115 more files in changeset.
beta version of install docs

  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
OpenACS 4.x

  1. … 1321 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

  1. … 1321 more files in changeset.