• last updated 18 mins ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
bug fixes etc

organizing the db config section. Making Oracle and PG share the same db_name variable. Making the grep for aolserver pid use the right aolserver config file path.

organizing the db config section. Making Oracle and PG share the same db_name variable

adding install param do_tclapi_testing

backing out accidental commit

backing out accidental commit of config.tcl

added new backup script

file backup.sh was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

removing obsolete script

oracle user parameter should be called oracle_user not db_name

fixing the crawl links feature and adding new parameter crawl_links_start_path

    • -0
    • +28
fixing previous crawler commit

crawler fix: setting start_url_absolute to be the return value of do_request so that a trailing slash is added for directories. We need this to resolve relative URLs

moving up the get_config_param command for oacs_branch in checkout.sh to be above the cd command as the config_file path was relative to current dir (.)

added script_path xml record

adding the tclwebtest_scripts parameter that allows you to run additional tclwebtest scripts

rolled back to version 1.12

fixing the regexp checking for failed acs-automated-install

bug fix in crawler

adding a delay after OpenACS install and server restart because nsunix seems to be triggering an additional restart that we then need to wait for

adding file

    • -0
    • +28
changed loop to use more config variables

added comments, revised server waits into loops, outputting xml file

debugging the crawler and adding ability to exclude links

further work on the crawl_links proc, making it handle relative links correctly by adding the previous_url switch and forcing tclwebtest to use that as the base for relative urls

making crawler work and fixing some bugs related to that

  1. … 18 more files in changeset.
making the ::twt::crawl_links work much better than before

making sure run script is edited in the case of custom AOLserver config file. Making sure permissions are always set correctly on whole tree

not setting script_dir variable (clobbered variable in calling script) in test-procs

rolled back mistake