fixing problem that I introduced earlier with ctl files not being loaded when package is installed from install.xml file and the the proc apm_packages_full_install. The problem was that no data model files were provided and the proc apm_data_model_scripts_find was used to provide the default. However, that proc would not return ctl files. I therefore changed it to do so and removed the proc apm_ctl_files_find that we no longer need
changing so that for folder pretty names that are I18N messages containing variables we don't store the message key anymore, but rather the en_US message (should be improved to be the locale of the community). This applies to messages of type "%user_name%'s Public Files" and "%community_names%'s Public Files". The problem with those vars is that file-storage would need to have a way to lookup community_name when displaying a folder name. Allowing folders with messages with no embedded vars to still have their pretty names be message keys in the db. That way we can have Assignments, Exams, Handouts etc. be multilingual.
adding a debug printout statement in show_proc_helper proc that enables the developer to see which template files are included in a request to a typical portal page
Processes now work, in a primitive sense. Process assignments anddependencies are still not working, but the basic infrastructure is inplace for processes to work.
making acs__remove_user do what the Oracle version already does, i.e. remove records referencing the user record before attempting to delete it. Version number bumped to 5.0d12
fixing bug 240 - internationalization of news publish status. Making the PLSQL function news_status return only a short name status instead of human readable text. Instead generating human readable text from new Tcl proc news_pretty_status. Bumping version number to 5.0d1. Providing an automated test covering both functions.