• last updated 14 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fix typo

Copy all chat-relevant message keys into the xowiki package, so that the feature does not depend on the chat package and keys are local to the feature

Improves outcome of acs-lang lang_message_dependencies_are_fine automated test

    • -2
    • +2
file xowiki.ca_ES.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

file xowiki.pt_BR.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

regenerated documentation

  1. … 426 more files in changeset.
updated release notes

improved spelling

  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
improved spelling

make acs-admin page a better starting place for site-wide admin tasks

improved spelling

    • -2
    • +2
updated description

    • -0
    • +3
added cacnvas support to public repo

    • -0
    • +624
file canvas-procs.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
file oauth-init.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
file ms-init.tcl was initially added on branch oacs-5-10.

    • -0
    • +0
sharpen test case to reduced dependencies on previously enabled locales

The test is also more parameterized, such one can choose between two locales (de_DE and es_ES)

in the test case.

improved test case

- load first mime package before loading it

- provide version of the mime package in the test log

- don't provide ns_set id as "error"

documented command result

Apply last upgrade also to the creation script

improved spelling

fix comment

make sure to provide a valid user_id when running in the after-initialize callback

Fix typo

name all URNs for jquery-ui resources with the same prefix

The library naming is in general not very consistent.

It is called "jqueryui-touch-punch" und cdnjs and

"jquery-ui-touch-punch" on synk.

Fix filepaths for URNs

Use "ns_mkdtemp" when available to create temporary directories

cleanup tmp directories created by the acs-tcl regression test

Ensure grading scheme is loaded before used

    • -0
    • +8
fixed cleanup for scheduled emails to avoid interference with immediate send operations

Delete the scheduled email after running the test case