• last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Reinstate oacs-dav as a dependency... there is api usage that is not so easy to replace at the moment

Remove non-functional "double click protection" in order to remove a potential attack vector

added page contract filter "printable" to avoid potential DB errors on certain binary values

    • -3
    • +3
    • -4
    • +6
added page contract filter "printable" to avoid passing of binary values to certain pages

    • -2
    • +2
avoid site-map lookups from the DB when the connections is already closed. This avoids hard DB-errors when the URL contains invalid characters

fixed bug introduced 8 months ago

Fix test category, add tested api

Make sure that the form object is flushed whenever state might have changed

If code executed after the state change accesses the form object again, this could be that from a previous state and e.g. hold the wrong form definition. This happens in practice downstream, where the submitting of activities also involves accessing the form definition to e.g. compute the grade based on the questions. Downstream we also cache the formfield specs, so if a spec is dependent on the state, might be wrong in also for future requests.

    • -0
    • +5
improve robustness when called without connection

Fix typo, write a basic test for the involved api

provide a friendly error message

    • -7
    • +12
allow at most 50K days, otherwise Tcl time scanner bails out

    • -2
    • +4
strengthen regular expression for "days"; valid arguments are e.g. "20d" or "14days"

    • -2
    • +2
Fix typo

revert incompatible change

    • -5
    • +4
Sanitize bogus URLs such as "//" or e.g. dotlrn URL lookup would fail

Not clear if this should happen already at the ns_conn level or somewhere in the site_node api

avoid subst in export_vars by using xo::update_query

Accept only integers as value for the rss query parameter

    • -2
    • +3
provide page-contract error instead of backtrace

    • -4
    • +3
removed obsolete index.vuh file

    • -29
    • +0
removed automounting

    • -1
    • +0
added KTI 1.1 properties

Cleanup leftover file

Remove attack surface

Check permissions when one accesses the script and also when one performs the actual unsubscribing operation

Harden safety: require login, do not let people outside the requester fiddle with the frequency

Make oacs-dav only a weak dependency for file-storage, if the package is not there, just treat it as if the parameter was disabled

Fix typo

Disable vuh, add remarks

    • -0
    • +5
added OAuth based LTI integration and launch buttons

For details, see https://openacs.org/xowiki/accessing-lti-services

    • -2
    • +2
    • -0
    • +366
    • -22
    • +9