• last updated 12 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
merging a few days of HEAD work back to the branch

  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
Reversed a rash change from export_url_vars to export_vars ...

Making sure that we are only responding to a message (inlining the message in the task subject and body) if there was a message task that put us in the current state and we are messaging the author of that message. Improving the check in the messages list so that we exclude task messages only if they correspond to an active assigned task that will respond to them instead. Minor UI fixes

Joel says we can call Bug Tracker alpha. Should we throw a party?

Adding a column to the bug list showing who is assigned to which bug.

Use action(child_action_ids) instead of separate query to get child actions

    • -25
    • +11
Necessary change due to internationlization, as the value can be different.

Necessary change, as the value can change due to translations.

changed package version numbers to 5.1.0a1

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
adding a document upload link on the new message page that appears when a player is to send a message and has an empty portfolio.

Simplified the blank theme...

fix for bug #1633

Adding shallow task copy feature. removing obsolete deep flag related to deep cloning of workflows.

    • -0
    • +16
removing obsolete deep flag related to deep cloning of workflows

Adding Simple User Search Page

making sure tasks that have timed out show up in the case log and that admins are notified. We are now signing up admins for all actions in the simulations they admin.

fixing bug in action::execute - it wouldn't work when executed outside an HTTP request (from the timeout sweeper). Now timeout tasks will have a null user_id which is not ideal. We might want to pass on the trigger type (time) to the case log entry to more clearly indicate when an action timed out.

When getting content from the URL variable, it didn't get massaged into a richtext datatype

Showing the user in which groups he is a member. This feature is not

very useful considering that we are just showing a passive list of


Fixed variable parsing, changed syntax to <first_names>, <last_name>,

added a missing noquote.

incremented version number to 5.2.0d1

adding missing paranthesis in section name

fixing the task anchor (redirect to task table after editing or adding task)

Added a primitive user search results page to admin and a few noquote fixes..

initial upload

  1. … 78 more files in changeset.
Fixed Bug #1506 in oacs-5-1 by adding the message

file acs-authentication.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Oops. Wanted to fix Bug #1563 but realized after looking in bugtracker that I'm not supposed to commit these things myself in other peoples' packages.

Fixed Bug #1563 by changing help_text in the application-add form

Made the "all-in-one" style work for the admin page.

    • -4
    • +7