• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
add a transparent png for the flash browse button for the multiple upload widget, some fixes in the fsCore javascript class for deleting revisions and deleting folders

Remove complex-send as agreed in TIP#127

  1. … 6 more files in changeset.
HTML cleanup

acs-mail is not part of core anymore, shouldn't be installed by default.

Moved package conversion code from acs-subsite to acs-tcl, as part of

the apm Tcl API.

Implement TIP#130 Add -exta_args to search callback definition to avoid having to redefine it constantly

    • -0
    • +36
    • -1
    • +62
    • -5
    • +8
improve markup for search-fields

    • -2
    • +2
- ensure rendering of xowiki markup in output from object

- fix typo (many thanks for Michael Totschnig to report)

save the catalog files in iso-8859-1 format instead of utf-8

add a anchor to each word to make the scroll work by word

change the way of getting the unit_id to have the category_id always right for the glossary words links

don't do anything if the page is not mapped to a category

update treenodes xql file for oracle, fix c/o Luis Riveiro of Innova

Use relative paths for the adp includes because xowiki now sets the include path to /packages//www

Use relative paths for the adp includes because xowiki now sets the include path to /packages//www

- factor out adp name checking code

- allow adp includes from sub-packages (names are resolved relative to the package key)

    • -22
    • +37
- factor out adp name checking code

- allow adp includes from sub-packages (names are resolved relative to the package key)

    • -22
    • +37
Oops, there are two queries to grab a calendar item. One if the use of

attachments is disabled (which I'd changed earlier), and one if attachments

are enabled (which I'd missed earlier). Thanks to Michael at MGH for catching

this while testing.

More support for the related link stuff in acs-events.

Support the related link features of the acs-events datamodel.

    • -3
    • +16
- reduce verbosity

- preserve query parameter in wiki links

    • -4
    • +6
    • -4
    • +4
alvaro karma on *learning-content* packages

aliases for *learning-content* package

Initial import of dotlrn Learning Content

Initial import of Learning Content Portlet

  1. … 66 more files in changeset.
Initial import of Learning Content

  1. … 229 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

  1. … 316 more files in changeset.
Importing severali bug fixes from local repository.