• last updated 12 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
few little fixes, update dependencies

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
many UI updates as well as increased use of CR API; re-applied stan kaufman's fix for 5.2+ installations

  1. … 319 more files in changeset.
fix for content_module__new -- see bug 2650

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
fix for content_module__new -- see bug 2650

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
add beginnings of an uninstantiate callback

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
more UI tweaks and some data model changes; instatiating cms now creates a set of modules with appropriate permissions making it possible to mount more than one instance

  1. … 58 more files in changeset.
remove acs-workflow and custom permissions from create scripts, bump version to 5.0d and update dependencies

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
typo in .info file and a little fix to launch floating clipboard

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
first pass at facelift. still much to do (see todo file in root of package for somewhat random collection of ideas). haven't touched data model so cms will likely still require acs-workflow v4.5 to work w/o error

  1. … 127 more files in changeset.
Fixed misspelling in description of package.

merge of changes on oacs-5-0 branch to oacs-5-0-0b4 tag

  1. … 598 more files in changeset.
Fix the package and vendor URLs, remove broken owner emails.

  1. … 73 more files in changeset.
clean up summary and description information

  1. … 51 more files in changeset.
merge of 4.6.3b1 to HEAD

  1. … 76 more files in changeset.

1. Made it possible to upgrade from acs-kernel 4.6.1 to acs-kernel 4.6.2

by using the APM rather than running the upgrade script by hand from

PSQL or SQL*Plus.

2. Changed a bunch of package .info files to depend on acs-kernel 4.6.2

to force the APM to upgrade acs-kernel (and therefore the APM datamodel)

before anything else. No guarantee on this though since not all

packages properly define their dependence on the kernel, it appears.

3. Whacked the release notes to suggest people use the APM to upgrade

acs-kernel first, other package later, just for safety's sake.

4. Fixed goof-up in acs-subsite I accidently introduced.

  1. … 34 more files in changeset.
Added new files to .info files

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.

1. Added a new Tcl procedure to the content repository's library, named

cr_write_content, which properly writes content to the connection

regardless of RDBMS and storage type. This simplified a bunch of stuff

(which explains the removed files).

2. Fixed a lot of general comments issues regarding HTML vs. Plain/Text,

attachments, etc.

3. Partially ported glossary.

  1. … 81 more files in changeset.

1. Straightened out some dependencies that resulted from Dan's moving of

cms workflow from acs-content-repository to the cms, i.e. where it


2. Made the default severity in apm_callback_and_log "debug" rather than


3. fixed toggle-inherit for Oracle.

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
removed requirement on acs-notifications

  1. … 7 more files in changeset.
more cleanup of cms

  1. … 26 more files in changeset.
fixup to get main screen working

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
scanned in new .xql files for the cms package

Forgot to define binary files before importing, so .gifs were messed up.

  1. … 2479 more files in changeset.
Initial revision

  1. … 2479 more files in changeset.