• last updated 6 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Avoid useless check

Use ad_include_contract for this include page

    • -25
    • +29
Move remaining portable queries to tcl file

Remove obsolete partial query

Remove obsolete partial query: no reference was found in upstream code

Streamline retrieval of mapped host nodes

Move query into tcl file

Avoid setting the whole array in the api and just return what we need

Avoid asking for an array in the api

Use api and portable idioms to reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

Replace queries with api and already available information

Fix typos in query

Move some quoting in the api

Fix typo: new relation would be added always for the latest segment

Replace stored procedures with inline queries and reduce divergency between oracle and postgres codebase

Fix typos

Recover include intended behavior:

this include was supposedly looking at subgroups of the provided group_id (clearly stated in the doc), while in fact scope was always forcefully set on package_id from the connection

Streamline multirow creation

Redefine include as ad_include_contract with docs and parameters in the right place

    • -27
    • +31
Remove unneeded statements

Fix typo

fix for bug #3367 (many thanks to Rainer Bachleitner)

improve comment and provide warning, when kernel parameter is overruled

Optimize avatar image size (~30%, using Trimage)

Make the default avatar images look slightly better when rounded

Chat Redesign:

+ Add avatars to chat user list.

+ acs-subsite: new default avatar images (x50 and x100)

+ acs-subsite: provide with a default avatar (x50) on portrait-bits.tcl

+ acs-subsite: restrict portrait-bits.tcl to authenticated users

+ xowiki and chat: add blocks and styles for the user picture

    • binary
    • binary
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Fix test for pseudo-boolean value that stopped to work because of


Bump version number due to changes on tree_sortkeys on site nodes table

change queries on site-node tree from tree_sortkey to recursive queries

    • -30
    • +15
improve formatting.

refactoring personal site maps (/site-map/) has still to be done