• last updated 10 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Oracle support

file user-tracking-admin-portlet-create.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file user-tracking-portlet-oracle.xql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file user-tracking-portlet-drop.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file user-tracking-portlet-create.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

file user-tracking-admin-portlet-drop.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-2.

Added support for freelancer tasks and a new view for all tasks

Mail tracking enabled

file_storage.get_title to return cr_revisions.title of the live revision instead of cr_items.name

Context_bar query to start at root_folder_id. Fix group context_bar

Set cr_items.name as fs_objects.name instead of cr_revisions.filename

Last poster was updated with the user_id value of the root message instead of with the user_id received by forums_message.new

Made the package singleton. Added a parameter for the location of the portlets

Mime encode periods at the beginning of a line within message

text. This is most noticable if the line breaks in the middle of a URL.

Retrieving last_poster in messages_select to be display in threads-chunk

Removed Contacts code

wiki-parser more robust, adp-include can span multiple lines, fixed bug #2859

    • -3
    • +7
    • -2
    • +2
add missing node_id switch to after_mount callback

bug fixes in the code.

allowing multiple learning-objects and services in the environments (according to the specification)

    • -67
    • +56
    • -0
    • +1
Fix typo (removed a $)

Support for CC Emails

support for CC emails

Removing the reference to some variables not present in the original

message key in the en_US catalog.

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Added catch call to content::init in case the object has no associated template

Fix oracle syntax and query for updating forums_messages.last_poster

Merged -no_callback_p and fixed_sender from HEAD

cr_news.lead column allready exists so we just change its size to varchar2 4000

Fixing table dotlrn_member_emails schema

Added localisation to default years.

1. Renamed more upgrade files to get around our dumb logic for running scripts

2. Fixed bug 2808. Bulk uploads were royally hosed.