• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Changed from ID to CLASS because there are multiple

Added 'log' command to ds_profile, which causes it to spit out the profile info to the log file. Useful for things that are running in background threads

Pass in impl_alias and impl_pl directly to acs_sc_proc, which avoids calling the expensive acs_sc_get_alias proc

Clarified unfinished nature of proc through clear comment

stripped the balance stuff from the startup script and renamed it openacs.txt from init.d

Added troubleshooting information for those with older info in the

config.tcl files.

bumping up the version

fixes and clean up by deds: noquote, remove project specific stuff, bug fixes

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
bug fix on syntax error

removed unused sql

Gave Frank Bergmann write privs to openacs-4/contrib/packages

test commit, just added an empty line

Disable anonymos browsing, require authentication for PROPFIND method

decode . in URLs to make MS Web Folders happ

Fixed bug #1486: Changed the cut'n'paste link to use absolute path.

Fixed a typo in one of the queries

fixing ticket 52. Making enroll_user proc check whether user is already is enrolled and just return if he is.

bug 1068

Made calls to ImageMagick use ImageMagickPath ...

Added anchor tags to last-n-comments

added available translations

file workflow.nl_NL.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

added translations

file simulation.nl_NL.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.


A long biography would push the portrait on the page buttom

Portrait had a blue border to indicate the link

Biographie didn't support HTML


Used table to have biography on the left and portrait on the right

Removed border with border="0"

Added noquote to @bio@

Correctly URLencode URIs in propfind responses.

various bug fixes for package_id, title addition to acs_objects

Remove spaces from WebDAVURLPrefix parameter, again.

Now all subgroups are listed in alphabetic order by pretty name

Clarify that it is possible to set up the top level page to use ETP

without using a softlink.

Included two links to existing pages (forums list, admin page for forums) that were not accessible over the group/class admin page. Two new message keys were required.