tracya in OpenACS

ticket 2880= anonymous post option send out notification from poster's email pending

after you post, returns user to the full thread, scrolled down to your post. (instead of some wacky page that just gives your spot and below

ticket 2733

adding credit card type to dlec_view_orders

addin credit card type to dlec_view_orders

adding session and start date views


adding views for sessions and for start date

fixing method sort by

using view so the online and remote reports stay consistent

fixes to dlec_view_orders to use in order page

fixes order view and adds location

adding confirmed_date_only_date

changing name to location instead of zone

changing zone to location; modifying dlec_view_orders to have same query as orders page

fixing a bug with logged in user is not sent email

I believe Dave made a change to support category types as fields in the template

    • -2
    • +2
changine dotlrn_ecommerce_sections to dotlrn_view_sections to add course name

removing the remove links

taking out old links to email templates using internatinalization


adding a default param to allowrejectwithouemail; ad_script_abort after returnredirect; will not send if the logged in users matches the person where email shoudl be SENT

confusion of participant_id and user_id

syntax error

allowing patron to recieve email with participant info in body

allowing patron to recieve email with participant info in body

fixing so it wil give the participant info in the body but send to the patron

fixing edit of email template for cmmunity_id is 0

    • -6
    • +14
putting check for open spots inside the loop

showing prereqs even though the user didn't fill them out (patron information)