fixing bug 273 by making sure that the dotlrn users admin page doesn't non-dotlrn users that haven't verified their emails yet (they need to verify their emails to complete their registration before they can be added to dotlrn)
we want all links of the navbar to be active if we are not in a dotLRN instance (for example when we are at /pvt/home to be able to reach the MySpace page)
Fixed bulk-mail: The form didn't work because it didn't carry forward the 'group' variable. And the query to get the sender email got more rows than you wanted, due to a bad join.
I accidently dropped a trigger create when I switched back to dropping andcreating them instead of using "create or replace function" (which doesn'tquite work in PG 7.3 unfortunately when the function's attached to a trigger)
Andrew's cute set of procs that let you log, redirect, or filter e-mailsent by your server (for development setups). Controllable from yournsd.tcl config file ...