• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
"New version of the package"

    • -25
    • +193
    • -4
    • +3
    • -0
    • +18
    • -2
    • +35
    • binary
    • binary
    • binary
    • binary
  1. … 74 more files in changeset.
"File improved to implements new functionalities"

    • -20
    • +1261
ltree does not like spaces in keys. trim keys before inserting it into the database.

change incorrect name of map function, fix for http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=546200

    • -3
    • +3
Zen: fieldset/legend tags are not generated anymore if the legend tag has no text

- Redirecting always to the whole thread view after posting.

- Fixing documentation.

Fix upgrade to parameter datatype check constraint to work with either

variation of the constraint name. Bump version in info file so upgrade

will run.

Added imsld packages to dotlrn-extras as agreed during dotlrn meeting (5-jun-2007)

Fixing the display of messages for forums in flat mode:

1. Removing buttons "expand", "collapse" ( flat mode and threaded mode ).

2. Showing messages ordered by input.

3. Showing messages in "flat" mode.

4. Removing "Replay" button.

    • -5
    • +1
Return a complain when no keywords to search for have been entered

    • -2
    • +8
Adding more categories helper procedures

changed import of page instances to update references to page templates on updating imports as well. Last version handled only initial imports.

    • -7
    • +8
fixing name validator, which should never return ""

Made sure that we preload the non acs-subsite packages mounted under root

If you add www. to the hostname it should still work with the hostename based node mapping

zenifying: removing inline styles, providing alternative ways to navigate through the course when there is no javascript nor css styles

    • -52
    • +82
    • -6
    • +0
    • -3
    • +3

fixed some problems with constraints

autonaming of anonymous (unnamed) entries during export to avoid potential name clashes on target systems

    • -6
    • +22
don't double-validate names when they are not changed (can lead to prefix adding)

creation: load the reading_info script

file export.tcl was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:25 +0000

handling export of selected objects, include always object required for the selection to avoid surprises

adding bulk-action for export

    • -1
    • +4
supporting multi-valued attributes

providing support for bulk actions

adding variable unread_or_new_query to allow reading_info feature

port to oracle and a small display change

The username is not always an email. So, lets use the email instead for sending the mail

Removing unused-deprecated ad_choice_bar (only used in contrib/obsolete-packages/library) and search::choice_bar (not used) procs

    • -28
    • +1