• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file upgrade-4.6.3-5.0.0.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-0.

Rolled back Dirk's change from view/ to download/ URLs. The view/ URL form is required to make interlinked HTML documents be browseable straight from file-storage, and is a critical feature in .LRN, particularly for Heidelberg

Moved header_stuff to the end of the HEAD section, so CSS defined through header_stuff will override the default stylesheets

Fixed typo in TImo's upgrade to the PG version - kernel didn't (actually

still doesn't due to other errors) install.

Added in view.vuh file, changed the way cr_folders were inherited

from, so that general-comments will work.

    • -0
    • +18
Added a paragraph which explains another potential problem when you

create .vuh files, and how to get around it by constructing your URLs

with ad_conn package_url

fixing a syntax error

Fixing missing pretty_submission_date that caused a 500.

TIP#42,43: adding package_id and title to acs_objects table

  1. … 82 more files in changeset.
Fix bug when inviting new users via the members page on the main site, where creating the user will already make them a member of the main site, by checking to see if a relation already exists before inserting a new one. The reason for this particular fix is that it will still insert the extra admin_rel relation, if you're chose to make the user an admin.

Default to users being able to create new threads

    • -1
    • +2
Use new namespace proc declaration style

    • -10
    • +7
Fixed bug #1555: ad_return_complaint behavior changed

Added clarifying documentation

Display more detailed information, including help when cookies don't validate

    • -19
    • +20
Fixed rendering bug on IE: context bar should be 'position: relative', otherwise the float: left stuff on the tabs causes it to not be shown at all

Killed URL-generation code for automated testing, i18n -- no longer used in ADP, plus will cause page to break if you mount automated testing more than once

Fixed bug: Forum moderate page shows threads from other forums instances if tree_sortkey happens to match

Removed mime_type from pages: it's never stored to the DB and has no effect whatsoever

Made trackback a singleton, since it breaks if mounted more than once (it contains a call to apm_package_url_from_key for itself)

Show forums-moderate priv instead of write

Fixed bug when granting zero privileges crashing page

Fixed rendering bug on IE 6: div float right and table width 100% doesn't mix well. This fix shouldn't be merged to HEAD/5.1, since HEAD/5.1 has a completely different rendering

- Fixed bug that caused logins to timeout very quickly if you had LoginTimeout set to 0 (infinite - logins never expire), but the user did not check 'Remember me' checkbox. This is a fix that sacrifices some security, but fixes the unacceptable usability problem. See bboard posting at http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=167212. Also cleaned up debugging statements

the read_private_data_p form input widget is now named guest_p

    • -1
    • +1
Back-merging bug fix from HEAD

    • -1
    • +7
Added in a better drop script (from blogger's actual drop

script). Also added in a description of how to set up per-item


Added in ad_conn query

Added in a drop script for the notifications section. It is untested.

Fixed Bug #1511: Cannot access files in default folders.

The URL for a file-storage folder contains I18Nized strings and the

tcl pages don't localize them. Furthermore some of the links were

missing @?version_id=@contents.live_revision@

Files in default folders can now be accessed, but there is at least

one more I18N glitch.

(Also file-storage is over-agressively noquoted)