• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
reduce pressure on util_memoize cache by using per-thread caching on notification::type::get_type_id

reduce pressure on util_memoize cache for dotlrn: use per-thread caching for portal::mount_point

whitespace cleanup

Use ad_include_contract instead of implicit variable guessing

- fix for issue #2017: let calendar::item::add_recurrence return recurrence_id

- mark calendar_item_add_recurrence as deprecated (use

calendar::item::add_recurrence instead)

use DATE notation for full-day events instead of of DATE-TIME

Whitespace cleanup

- Add a new api function for visualizing backslashes and crlf

conventions aa_test::visualize_control_chars

- Add a new API function for running requests against the current

server: aa_http

- Bump version number to 5.10.0d2

bump version number to 5.10.0d6

whitespace cleanup

add experimental support for regression testing

- whitespace cleanup

Perform line folding: According to RFC 5545

Reduce verbosity at runtime

- provide test case for html-to-text conversion

- provide a version of html-to-text based on ns_reflow_text

prefer XOTcl 2 idioms

    • -16
    • +18
Improve wordnig and spelling

- add new tree renders bootstrap3 and bootstrap3-folders based on


- use PreferredCSSToolkit to choose tree renderer

(removes uncoditional use of YUI2)

- bump version number to 5.10.0d7

    • -2
    • +2
    • -13
    • +28
    • -1
    • +6
    • -19
    • +95
- add URNs for jquery, bootstrap, get-http-object, xowiki.css and yui2

- fix return-string from popular-tags and improve stylability in includelet

- remove obsolete "header_stuff" from templates

- replace global parameters BootstrapCSS and BootstrapJS in favor of URNs

- bump version number to 5.10.0d6

    • -5
    • +3
  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Extend API to allow registration for URNs.

URNs provide an abstraction and a single place for e.g updating

references to external resources when switching between a CDN and a

local resource, or when a resource should be updated. Instead of

adding e.g. a CDN url via tempate::head::add_script, one can add an

URN and control its content from a single place.


template::register_urn \

-urn urn:ad:js:jquery \

-resource /resources/xowiki/jquery/jquery.min.js

- use ::richtext::ckeditor4::add_editor instead of own management

- make use of nsf variable resolver

- require actual version of richtext-ckeditor4

- bump version number to 5.10.0d5

    • -3
    • +3
- bump version number to 0.16

- extend add_editor with "-adapters" and "-order" to improve re-usability for other applications

- bump version number of ckeditor 4 to 4.8.0

Add missing "return filter_return" for UNAUTHORIZED requests (may thank to markus moser for noticing)

Provide developer with the option to declare compound resources (CSS

or JavaScript) to optimize performance or to provide customized

themes. New public function:

template::head::includes -container .. -parts ...

if an included resource is encountered during rendering of the page,

it is ignored. The compound resource management is aligned resource

flushing (when a compound resource is flushed, it stop shadowing

potentially other resources. An additional option could be to

add an "-parts" flag to add_link/add_script.

added simple regression test for basic functionality

*** empty log message ***

fix for bug #808: language list always sorted by english names

allow doc-strings starting with leading colons; fixes issue #3337

fix invalid meta-data and documentation strings

fix invalid meta-data