
Clone Tools
  • last updated 11 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
remove unsued variable from non-null asserts

* ChangeLog-2.1.0-2.2.0.log: Add recent commits [skip ci]

next-migration.txt, next-tutorial.txt: Minor corrections, adding section on substdefault to tutorial

    • -5747
    • +5747
    • -4160
    • +3461
    • -7
    • +48
improve spelling

- remove dead assignment - add cppcheck target

* configure.3, current.3, next.3, nxsh.1, nxwish.1, xotclsh.1, xowish.1: Re-generated to reflect bumped version. [skip ci]

* README.release: Add missing artifacts for version bump [skip ci]

another revision of changelog and announcement. [skip ci]

Removed last deprecated call of the mongo-c-driever (mongoc_collection_create_index())

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

updates of annouce file, tested with mongo-c-dirver 1.12.0 (released yesterday)

    • -278
    • +278
* apps/utils/source-highlight-with-pp: Generalise executable name in shebang, seems like an unintended change in [ae081c0f1]

Merge branch 'master' of ssh://alice.wu-wien.ac.at/usr/local/src/git-repo/nsf

* README.md: http -> https [skip ci]

bump version number to 2.2

update REAME file

update copyright information

improve markdown

improve markdown

change READE to markdown syntax

    • -0
    • +137
improve markdown

improve markdown

use markdown syntax

prefer new spelling of macOS

updating mongodb interface for 2.2: - update to mongodb-c-driver 1.11.0 - reduce number of calls to deprecated driver functions as far as possible - improve cleanness of compilation (provde prototypes etc.) - bump version number to 2.2

prefer Tcl defined types over local prototypes

* nsfDebug.c, nsfInt.h (STRING_NEW, MEM_COUNT_ALLOC, MEM_COUNT_FREE): Fix compilation with --enable-memcount=yes.


* configure, configure.ac, nx.tcl, pkgIndex.tcl, xotcl2.tcl, pkg.vc: Bump version to 2.2.0.

Done with work on changelog and announcement. [skip ci]