• last updated 14 hours ago
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Updated version numbers to upgrade to changes made for Oracle 9i support

    • -1
    • +1
  1. … 23 more files in changeset.
Updated version of this file to upgrade to changes made for Oracle 9i support

Updated version to upgrade to changes made for Oracle 9i support

Added this file to upgrade to changes made for Oracle 9i support

Updated version number of file to upgrade to changes made for Oracle 9i support

Added this file to upgrade to changed made for Oracle 9i support

removing print statement that seemed superfluous

making impl.new used named parameters

adding latest translations from the translation server. Will tidy up the files next using the check-catalog.sh script.

  1. … 630 more files in changeset.
changing catalog check script to cope with lc_get keys

    • -12
    • +49
Adding some documentation.

    • -0
    • +37
added ns_pam and ns_ldap

Fixed header of file (said workflow)

Added automated test case for auth-server


Added Andrew's OpenACS authentication server as a separate package

    • -0
    • +25
    • -0
    • +73
    • -0
    • +17
    • -0
    • +29
Cleaned up context bar

correction of 9i porting. The call to plsql proc deleted was replaced by del. However, deleted is different from delete. Changing back to deleted so that the acs rel is not deleted but state is changed to deleted (is this confusing or what...).

first draft of ext-auth instructions

Added on-demand sync driver

Implemented on-demand sync

Added column user_info_impl_id for on-demand-sync, cleaned up comments

Configure all parameters for an authority on a single page, to allow sharing of parameter values across implementations (useful if all the drivers talk to the same server, as is normally the case)

Fixed focus, removed old vars

removing keys no longer used

removing obsolete files

auth_password_change proc: stubbing ns_sendmail and checking that email is sent to user on password change.

to_timestamptz didn't work so using to_timestamp instead

making the news Tcl API tests work with the new status plsql function

Get rid of the list of uninstalled, not-enabled packages when there are none