• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Focus and context bar

Use templated parameters page

Templated pages

    • -0
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improving error reporting of portal::get_datasource_name and portal::get_datasource_id procs

removing annoying "not upgrading" message when importing catalog files

using named parameters in call to acs_sc_impl.new to avoid mismatch with new optional pretty name parameter

adding Portugese locale from translation server

Cleaned up proc definitions

using named parameters in call to acs_sc_impl.new to avoid mismatch with new optional pretty name parameter

Fixed bug with username and local accounts when logging in with email

validation error with authority_id and username moved out

Only allow editing of username for local accounts

Updating basic info: validation, only edit fields that are not controlled by batch sync, focus

Support updating username

Comment: mention __adp_properties as well

ad_text_to_html: return empty if the text is empty. Make the first <p> tag not have margin-top

adding Arabic Lebanese locale from translation server

using named parameters in call to acs_sc_impl.new to avoid mismatch with new optional pretty name parameter

  1. … 12 more files in changeset.
making version numbers of catalog files correspond to that of the package

  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
adding latest translations from the translation server

  1. … 616 more files in changeset.
Fixing navigation

fixing typo in call to portal_datasource.set_def_param, colon should have been semi-colon

Only edit user info not controlled by the authority

Added get_sync_elements wrapper to get the user profile elements controlled by the authority

Do not fail get_parameters if the impl_id doesn't point to an implementation

Added PAM authentication package

    • -0
    • +27
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    • +165
Added GetElements operation to auth_sync_process

Templated pages

    • -0
    • +5
Slimmed the header a bit

Templated pages

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    • +5