• last updated 23 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
extending switch stmt to play nice with prof comms

fix get_default_roles_not_cached for comm types

fix typo attachmens -> attachments

    • -1
    • +1

fixups and added approved_p column

    • -0
    • +16
Fixed problem with two different queries in apm_upgrade_script_compare with the same name that caused upgrade scripts to be run in the wrong order.

Moved template::widget::comment widget from bug-tracker to here.

rem dotlrn-research / research-portlet from the modules list

Make upgrade script safer by putting the drop table statement inside a function with the insert statement, so if the insert fails, the drop table won't get executed.

Added url-name to components, plus a URL shortcut, and email-subject-name to projects

    • -0
    • +14
Added upgrade script for the needinfo resolution code

Added needinfo resolution code

Fixed bug #29: selectively display user agent

Temporary fix to bug #2: too many users in drop-down.

Added sort by priority/severity

Factored out a string_truncate proc. No resolution code for non-resolve entries. Stuff.

Default to only showing the latest versions of packages

Add resolution code information to the bug actions

Give the submitter write_p on his or her own bug.

added new files to allow user submission of links

change content_type

update info file

changes to forums for openacs.org

Moved bug-tracker Tcl procs to a bug_tracker namespace

fixes query name for member_p.user_is_member bug 1661/patch 347

don't quote booleans in tcl fixes 1596/patch 315

Do not error out completely when queries cannot be loaded, but do log an error log message. The old 'error' call could prevent the server from starting at all if you e.g. deleted a package from the file system without deleting it from the APM first.

send to registration page if needed fixes bug 1563/patch 279

typo fix bug 1660/patch 346 Jun Yamog

Added 'Comment' link, Bug #15