• last updated 17 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Greek translation

  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
file acs-kernel.el_GR.utf-8.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-3.

Admin tab wasn't selected because the class was misspelled.

Fixed broken behavior for the sitewide admin. user_id was being set then

overwritten in a loop, causing the last user listed by this templated to be

denoted as being a "sitewide admin" with no option to turn off their powers.


adding missing upgrade scripts to create index

- Allowing to upload new version of resource files. It doesnt matter wich

mime_type the resource has.

- Allowing to edit names of learning objects.

- Showing which version of the resource is the live version in some listbuilders.

- Fixing some typos.

    • -0
    • +6
    • -0
    • +41
    • -0
    • +18
create an additional index to speed up permission checking

Allow search based on role_ids instead of case_ids, allowing search for

assignees on new cases.

Fix picklist implementation to get workflow_id from role_id isntead of

case_id. Case_id isn't really needed in this query since role_id maps to


    • -1
    • +130
Localize message, merge from 5.3

Fix for bug #2998; this fixes as well a bug, when the regression test is run more than once without restarting the server.

Fix for bug #2998; this fixes as well a bug, when the regression test is run more than once without restarting the server.

Fix typos in spanish translation

Add parameter for showing community title or a generic name in the tab (version number will be bumped when beta release this w-e)

Fix for reordering LORS items (thanks Don and Dave for their help)

Add return_url for add new item link/button otherwise you lose context

and end up outside the portlet.

some more cleanup of the item-procs.tcl, and calls to item:: in packages/acs-content-repository

Pass in calendar_id_list to day view. (Fix merge error)

Fix typo

Increase the offset for overlapping events. 10px is not enough you can't

click on the overlapped event.

Major cleanup of item-procs, replaced DB calls by calls to content::item::* in 18

of the 24 deprecated procs, just six procs are still required. Commented most

of the affected calls in ::content::item::*

Added the option to rsync instead of tar and scp. This is useful if you have a large number of files in the content repository which you do not want to compress (especially if you have podcasts there)

removed unneeded .xql query with typo

upgrading to version 0.51, using new stored procedures interface from xotcl-core, be more silent on db-operation in error log

    • -4
    • +6
    • -8
    • +8
    • -13
    • +21
    • -1
    • +1
some further support for oracle, make xotcl-core run more silently

Zen: fixing redirect url bug; also adding export_url_vars

Zen: adding missing key Email_sent

lower level support for the OO abstraction for stored procedures. reduced per/call overhead relative to Plain OpenACS significantly. The generic call interface is now even faster than calling stored procedures via "db_0or1row".

    • -120
    • +80
Added listing of length of SMS

Zen: fixing typo removing 's'

Zen: adding title