• last updated 16 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Fixed an error caused by a PG 7.3 incompatibility with earlier versions. You

can no longer subtract an integer from a timestamp but rather must explicitly

cast it to an interval number of days.

    • -3
    • +2
applying patch 484 which fixes portrait, homepage, and images bugs on the community member page.

reverted to 1.34 o maintain backward compatibility and marked the tcl procs as deprecatd

removing acs-content, acs-util, and skin packages from acs-core module as these packages are not needed by core and are mostly obsolete

making skin, acs-content, acs-util packages not be part of core by setting initial_install_p=f. The packages are essentially obsolete or at least not required by acs-core.

Fixed memory leak. HTML DOM was lingering around.

- Fixed memory leak. HTML DOM was lingering around.

-Replaced nsxml with tDOM (http://tdom.org), a much faster & richer XML parser, and XSLT and XPath processor.

    • -24
    • +16
removing indications in code that the news package depends on the acs-content package. I couldn't find evidence of any such dependency.

    • -3
    • +1
merging dotlrn-1-0-1 tag down onto head. Thanks to Jarkko Laine and Mohan Pakkurti for all the help. See comments at http://openacs.org/storage/download/index?version_id=104101

    • -437
    • +1
    • -0
    • +16
  1. … 107 more files in changeset.
should be updating filename in set_file_content query

more work on plsql api

Adding new tcl api


make file attachments work (my last commit fixed URLs but overlooked files

Added homework and survey stuff

Damn me for not testing properly before committing ... didn't work with PG7.2

Applied Reuven's patch #194 instead: "Basically, I switched to using localtimestamp (rather than current_timestamp), which gets rid of the time zone. Using a parameter of 0 removes the fractional seconds."

make attachments work (context was calendar events). Added item::get_type to the CR because I needed it and it didn't seem to already exist.

Added PostgreSQL datamodel scripts.

Added Oracle datamodel scripts.

    • -0
    • +16
granting Dirk commit rights on acs-datetime

Fixed PG7.3 bug: used to say current_timestamp + x, now says + interval 'x days'

removed unused variables

    • -1
    • +0
removed unused variables

    • -3
    • +3
draft version of noquoted calendar package

    • -0
    • +14
    • -0
    • +92
    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +89
  1. … 8 more files in changeset.
removed obsolete next-steps.xml - replaced by text in openacs.xml pointing to several next steps

*** empty log message ***

merging with HEAD

merging with HEAD