• last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
converting remaining text to message catalog, sorting message catalog files, cvs diff is misleading over previous revisions but should work better now that we have the sorting

    • -0
    • +14
making sure keys in catalog files are sorted, should make them easier to edit, and cvs diffs should work better

removing debug printout

making more text in the calendar portlet use the message catalog

suppress subject display if it matches the root subject with response to or re:

correcting mistake - must story the message key in the database rather than the localized text for Day Summary pretty name

I18N: making the day summary pretty name be localized

making the admin pretty name use the message catalog

I18N: internationalizing time-related words used by acs-datetime such as month names. Work done by Steffen Tiedemann. Thanks Steffen.

strip multiple leading Re: from subject on reply

I18N: converting general-comments package to using the message catalog. Kudos to Steffen Tiedemann who did the job as a volunteer

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
regexp correction - dash is a permissible character in a message catalog key

making the faq portlet admin pretty name use the message catalog

I18N: converting faq package to using the message catalog. Adding some danish translations. Adding popup javascript confirmation to deletion of FAQ:s and questions

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  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
fix service contract file. unported from oracle.

fix call to question__delete should be question__remove

fix question_delete (change to remove)

adds template::paginator::get_row_last, template::paginator::get_pages_info

better documentation

template::paginator::get_page_count now correct.

non integer ID support

patch 493 Deds Castillo

fix ad_html_to_text pre CRLF to return mapping (was inserting literal \n)

fix ad_html_to_text pre CRLF to return mapping (was inserting literal \n)

fix typo

    • -1
    • +1
fix survey copy

fix question renumbering

I18N: adding danish translation of news

    • -0
    • +115
allow component_id to be passed in URL

I18N: converting dotlrn-fs to using the message catalog

I18N: converting file-storage to using the message catalog

  1. … 38 more files in changeset.
I18N: adding support for handy interpolation of variables into localized messages from tcl files by using upvar

Adding links to message catalog translation UI from site-wide admin page and from the locale preference page for users, adding explaining text to translation UI

Made message URLs be of the form "forums/<forum>/message/<message_id>"

    • -13
    • +36