• last updated 13 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added feedback components to report section.

Set mime type of email text on edit request

    • -2
    • +2
Performance tuning of the relationship portlet. This is now mainly handled on the webserver side, not anymore on the database, resulting in faster overall performance

    • -2
    • +2
We need to unset the array first, otherwise data from the previous person is available

Remove unnecessary notices

Once and for all resolve the case where page_query_name is blank in

template::list::create. If its blank or if its not blank, the query

text is retrieved previously in the procedure so it does not matter

what query name we pass in.

Fix missing square bracket

Fixed bug: file-storage/tcl/file-storage-callback-procs.tcl wasn't being sourced due to unmatched parantheses.

Added feedback functionality.

    • -0
    • +10
    • -0
    • +81
    • -0
    • +18
    • -0
    • +47
  1. … 11 more files in changeset.
Add content filtering for binary types. Pass object_id to content_get

so we can grab the path to filesystem stored items

    • -5
    • +5
Add better mime type matching in conversion. Add utility for

powerpoint conversion.

Fixed date issues and made sure the assignment when adding a new task works even if you selected multiple roles for a person.

Fix infinite redirect by clearing, the clear_one url var. Thanks to

vinod kurup for catching it!

Exchange acs-mail with acs-mail-lite as per TIP 100

commit the README files that were miseed during last commit

    • -0
    • +82
    • -0
    • +10
update ajaxhelper to 0.5d, includes scriptaculous version 1.6.2 and the Yahoo UI Libraries (YUI) version 0.11.2, cleaned up helper procs, added some helper procs for YUI

    • -0
    • +155
    • binary
    • binary
  1. … 118 more files in changeset.
Add install callback

Pass aprent_id to oacs-attach popup

Add reusable includes for xinha popups

file attach-file.adp was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:31 +0000

file attach-file.tcl was added on branch oacs-5-3 on 2007-08-01 21:39:31 +0000

Adding file attach widget

    • -0
    • +285
    • -0
    • +145
Use attach-file popup

Adding image/file attach plugin for xinha

Applying constraint naming standard

Improve constraint names test for oracle, checking name, type, constraint name length and giving a hint to standarize the constraint name

Fixing issue with problems of error on callback. If the callback for project_new is not executed, the one on edit fails. Therefore I just made sure that it is retried before. Additionally fixed an error on the project_new callback

some improvements to the xowiki.css, makeing substitution more robust (one more catch)

    • -3
    • +10
added parameter script_dir to configuration section, defaults now to /xowiki; can be reset to the old behaviour via e.g.: xinha_config.script_dir = '.';

added parameter script_dir to configuration section, defaults now to /xowiki; can be reset to the old behaviour via e.g.: xinha_config.script_dir = '.';