We still want security_inherit_p to default to 't', otherwise bcms::folder::create_folder breaks, because null is not a valid boolean value. This is also consistent with what the comments in the function says (default true)
Fix for bug where tree_sortkey would start from zero for each parent that wasn't a cr_item (since parent_id's foreign key constraint is on acs_objects, not cr_items). Now all non-cr_item-parent-ids are treated as one big pool of 'null' parent_id's, allowing you to create as many logical roots as you darn well please. I would appreciate review from the OCT on this patch (and am going to solicit one by email).
Fix for bug introduced by Don's 1.45 on_validation_error patch: Now we would enter the on/after_submit-new/edit_data blocks, even if the form was refreshing.
PG 7.3 doesn't support 'current_timestamp' as a literal any more (it stillis defined as a variable, of course). Also define_function_args assumesNULL as the default value if none is specified, 'null' <> NULL ...
Fixed bug with default values for creating folders; default values in define_function_args are literal strings, not expressions, so security_inherit_p;null is treated as the literal string 'null', and so is creation_date;current_timestamp treated as the literal string 'current_timestamp', which is not a valid timestamp format. There are probably other similar bugs introduced, we just fixed the ones that were blocking us. Emailing OCT about this.
Worked on config page, making it (hopefully) somewhat more useful, as wellas simplifying the code somewhat. Soon it can become a template ratherthan HTML-from-Tcl.