• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Remove superflous parentheses

  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
Whitespace changes

Remove superflous parentheses

Remove commented leftover debugging statement, add comment about why we need to name the list by folder_id

Put template::list name back as parametric, because this code might be included multiple times

Redefine this page as ad_include_contract, therefore removing all hardcoded variable checks and exploit builtin checks, remove duplicated definitions and queries, streamline template::list definitions in a way its is readable and simpler to maintain

    • -104
    • +116
Pass also orderby to the includelet

simplyfy expressions, remove useless file

Trim whitespaces

Remove unnecessary parentheses and idioms, state query variables explicitly

don't pass deprecated argumentent "-user_id" to fs::get_folder_contents_count

Update es_ES catalog files

Update italian localization, bump version number

Trim whitespace

Bump version number so new message key is loaded

Trim whitespace

Port a few downstream modifications to the main codebase

When changing notification frequency, show also name and creation date for the object

Driver is making easier to merge this script

Provide a localized "Creation date" message in english, german and italian

Fix typos

Trim whitespace

Whitespace changes

    • -151
    • +150
Align case of acs_object_type with that of the actual table (fixes automated tests)

This change intentionally ignores Oracle, as its behavior with respect to case is not clear to me.

Fix indentation and whitespace cleanup

    • -12
    • +12
    • -6
    • +6
    • -250
    • +250
    • -238
    • +238
Trim whitespace

Rename constraints to follow coding standards (fixes automated test datamodel__named_constraints)

Renaming constraints on Postgres without dropping/rebuilding requires version >= 9.2

Trim whitespace

Whitespace trimming

Whitespace trimming

Fix reference to acs_object_type.table_name so that it points to real tables (fixes automated tests)

    • -2
    • +2
Whitespace changes

    • -16
    • +16