• last updated 3 hours ago
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Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
fix for #3354.

bump version number to 5.10.0d5

Add doc to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc style, remove duplicated portlet definition

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), fullfill TODO by DRB, uniform doc style, improve legibility, comment out broken proc (missing sql), fix awkward db_transaction idioms

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests)

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

improve spelling

Fix typos

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle, streamline idioms, reduce divergencies between oracle and postgres codebase

    • -122
    • +140
Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

    • -19
    • +30
Fix typo

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc sytle

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc style

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform doc style, fix typo

Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests)

Make tclwebtest procs private (fixes automated tests)

Make proc private as their sibling counterparts (fixes automated tests), uniform documentation style

Add documentation for public procs (fixes automated tests), use an api that will assume a single mountpoint for the package (as was intended)

Uniform documentation style, add documentation to public proc (fixes automated tests)

Uniform documentation style, make as::item_display_sb::set_item_display_type as its sibling as::item_display_f::set_item_display_type (fixes automated tests)

Add documentation for public procs, simplify idiom, uniform documentation style

Add documentation for public procs (fixes automated tests), uniform indentation, uniform documentation style

    • -1158
    • +1156
Add documentation to public procs (fixes automated tests), simplify idioms, exploit current api

    • -12
    • +0
    • -42
    • +55
Add documentation to public api (fixes automated tests), indentation changes

    • -4
    • +11
Add documentation for public procs (fixes automated tests), replace faq with forum

Add documentation for public proc (fixes automated tests), feed user_id from arguments to permission api, explicitly default to current user (as called procs would do anyway)

Uniform documentation style, add documentation for public proc (fixes automated tests)

Deprecate (former) service contract implementations

Their body was always empty according to the cvs history and there is no mention of them in the code.

Their counterpart in the forum::notification namespace takes care of both forums and messages, therefore supersedes them.