• last updated 10 hours ago
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debugged the query and the corresponding page. calendar-preferences now syntactically works fine, however I am not sure about the supposed semantics of this page...

Removing unused files

    • -235
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Removing unused files.

    • -196
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    • -120
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    • -22
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    • -97
    • +0
- Fixed left-over from reversing widget-procs.tcl

- Moved attribute instantiation to a Tcl callback (because we now

support per-category custom fields)

- Working on www/index.tcl

- Guess I forgot a couple switches. Added to documentation.

- Also added an explanation for the -validate block.

- Copied a snippet about -extend from HEAD.

- Updated ad_form's documentation with all the switches it currently


- Added clarifications about the -on_request and -on_submit blocks.

- Added note telling the user s/he must get familiar with the ATS to be

able to the ad_form effectively.

- Updated TODO.

- Thanks to the invaluable help from daveb, custom fields now working,

including updating of values, which wasn't working in the original version,

so fixed that bug too.

- Thanks to the invaluable help from daveb, custom fields now working,

including updating of values, which wasn't working in the original version,

so fixed that bug too.

- Revert widget-procs.tcl to generating template::element calls instead

of an ad_form -extend block, because that gives users customizing the

package (in the future) to have their own -validate block in the

ad_forms present.

- Problems with ad_form (custom element not visible)

- Modified get_widget_param to generate ad_form statements instead of

template::element::create in attempt to fix the problem. Worked partially.

- Modified ad-one accordingly.

Now the problem seems to be that a custom element is available in the

-edit_request block, but for some reaons that element (which was

added through ad_form -extend) is not available in the -edit_data block.

Does anyone know why??

- Remove unneeded query.

- Fixed bug I introduced in ::ads::get

- Per-category custom field support added.

- ad-one and ad-new doing the right thing with custom fields.

- Added support for per-category custom fields.

- Modified create files accordingly.

- No update scripts yet.

- Can't remember what I fixed here.

- Changed ns_log notice -> Debug

- Reformatted a bit for legibility.

- Continuing to improve UI

- ad-delete now ad_form with confirmation

- ad-one handles deletion correctly

- Updated TODO.

Added a link to admin/ for admins

    • -1
    • +3
    • -1
    • +3
removed junk code

Fixed SQL query so that daily events and events with time are properly retrieved from the database

Added link to calendar-item-types, so that calendar_admins can manipulate calendar item types

- updated to reflect fact that package installer now only shows 1 checkbox instead of 2.

noquote fixes: moved as much html generation into adp files

    • -36
    • +108
    • -16
    • +4
  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
- Updated user categories page. Not final.

- Moved posgresql-specific queries to field-addedit-postgresql.xql

- Update TODO in documentation.

- Added procs to get context trail for ads.

- ad_one displays and edits ads.

- ad-delete with confirmation (still needs work).

- categories.* now link ads to ad-one

- Everything ad_form'ized.

Merged to HEAD.

- Added comment and @see about rp_form_put to rp_internal_redirect.

- added location of debian's chunk.xsl to openacs.xsl (commented out)

- typo fix from Steffen Christensen

I sped up the code Peter Marklund wrote to automatically resolve package

dependencies (so you don't need to check off every package you need) by, oh,

a couple of orders of magnitude for large dependency lists.

This code could be cleaned up a *log* and probably made faster as a result

but I'm satisified with this speed-up for now.

- Fixing ads::new

- Reformatted classified-ads-procs.tcl for legibility

- ad-new will be merged into ad-one which will take care of adding,

editing and displaying ads.

- Improved category administration.

- Added @see line for template::util::richtext.

What I'm wondering is why did Lars put it in template::util::richtext

instead of template::widget::richtext, and if it doesn't show up

in template::widget, how does it find it?

Another chapter of "OpenACS Secrets Revealed".