- Fixing ads::new- Reformatted classified-ads-procs.tcl for legibility- ad-new will be merged into ad-one which will take care of adding, editing and displaying ads.- Improved category administration.
- Added @see line for template::util::richtext. What I'm wondering is why did Lars put it in template::util::richtext instead of template::widget::richtext, and if it doesn't show up in template::widget, how does it find it? Another chapter of "OpenACS Secrets Revealed".
- Made assigned and unassigned ads return published date.- Placing new ads now lets you know which category it's going into.- More improvements to field-addedit- Updated TODO- Removed category-assign-2, since it had no point and to have consistent behavior with category-remove- Much better admin UI to manage categories and ads.
Decided that assuming SQL data files are CSV-formatted files is a bad ideaafter running into a package that embeds comments in its data! Changedfrom .csv to .dat and all that implies. Still more testing to do...
- Initial revision of the classified-ads package written by Deds Castillo and Paul Doerwalds.- Some modifications and improvements by Roberto Mello.- Added Bugs and Features to the www/doc/index page.- Will be committing more changes soon.