• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- Fixing ads::new

- Reformatted classified-ads-procs.tcl for legibility

- ad-new will be merged into ad-one which will take care of adding,

editing and displaying ads.

- Improved category administration.

- Added @see line for template::util::richtext.

What I'm wondering is why did Lars put it in template::util::richtext

instead of template::widget::richtext, and if it doesn't show up

in template::widget, how does it find it?

Another chapter of "OpenACS Secrets Revealed".

Forgot to change data control file to reference this package rather than

my test package ...

Added directory box to community page.

    • -0
    • +9
Add missing form closing tag. bug 546 patch 196 Vinod Kurup

- Updated .info file

- Converted category-new and ad-new to use ad_form, hence getting rid of

a couple FIXME's.

- Made assigned and unassigned ads return published date.

- Placing new ads now lets you know which category it's going into.

- More improvements to field-addedit

- Updated TODO

- Removed category-assign-2, since it had no point and to have

consistent behavior with category-remove

- Much better admin UI to manage categories and ads.

Another - vs. _ typo

fixed a typo (- where _ was wanted)

Moved these packages over to the use of bulk data loading rather than

slow inserts

    • -0
    • +3141
    • -0
    • +42192
  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- Improving categories UI.

- Improved documentation.

- Improved how ads are assigned to categories.

- Improved categories page (still need a prettier UI)

- Improved documentation to filed-addedit

- Added proc to verify ISBN numbers.

- Fixed repeated use of na_sources_source_id_fk constraint name in datamodel.

- Merged to HEAD.

- Remove upper from order by to make it work under PG 7.3.

Bug 598, patch 223 by Gabriel Durca. Thanks.

- Changed query to use pg_user instead of pg_shadow. Patch 235 by Gabriel Durca.

Decided that assuming SQL data files are CSV-formatted files is a bad idea

after running into a package that embeds comments in its data! Changed

from .csv to .dat and all that implies. Still more testing to do...

    • -0
    • +186
  1. … 19 more files in changeset.
Changed package name to be consistent with other reference data

    • -2
    • +2
- Merged changes from oacs-4-6 into HEAD.

- Added documentation to the -validate switch of template:::element::create

noting that the special variable $value is what should be used.

made the -name optional, forgot to commit this latest change

    • -1
    • +5
Added etp_page_revision content_type for oracle

Fixed bug: Clicking on the name under 'Close' produced a list with zero bugs, even though there might be plenty bugs to show.

Fixed bug #561: Showing data from another instance for Oracle as well

Fixed bug #561: Showing data from another instance

- Initial revision of the classified-ads package written by Deds Castillo

and Paul Doerwalds.

- Some modifications and improvements by Roberto Mello.

- Added Bugs and Features to the www/doc/index page.

- Will be committing more changes soon.

  1. … 63 more files in changeset.
Another oh-so-inevitable typo.

Removed references to the old INSERT data initialization files in the

oracle version.

Oops tyop crept in.

Had to make SQL data load control files be db-specific (duh)