
  • last updated 5 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- url in statistics contains already query parameter

- handle different output of "ns_server threads" in Naviserver and Aolserver

- maintain statistics about busy and running (connection) threads

add a cleanup handler

added maintenance routine for tcl vars (to be used e.g. in cases a dump was read in with outdated time stamps)

add exit handler for throttle thread

make sure to create timestamp as an at least empty array

don't export last_mkey (minute key) in dump

remove some debugging output

fix typos in last changes

keep aggregated number of visitors rather than computing it on demand

minimal dump facility for persisting runtime data

write nicer time-differences

provide friendly summary

added listing of active users for today

    • -0
    • +7
    • -0
    • +80
check, if the external utility "tail" is available

- fix unset of f for first run

- check for the existance of counter log, when it is first installed

- reduce verbosity

- add support for traceing slow calls (5 secs +)

- add user_count_day to statistics in counter log

- provide nicer floating point numbers on statistic pages

check for existence of bgdelivery

make user_id check everywhere robust

- make test for user_id more robust

allow sort my views per minutes

adjust to interface change

- additional package parameter do_thottle on/off to activate/deactivate throttling on the fly

- additional statistcs to compute views per minute for users (e.g. to measure engagement in e-learning apps)

- bump version number

added new package parameter "request-blocking-off" to be able to deactivate request blocking

Adding a helper class to handle package parameter lookups efficiently and

to handle propagation from parameter-changed callback.

Provide interface for counter to load old statistics.

Overwork Malte's loading of the statistics from the logfile.

Made sure we are 'only' running into a problem with throttle do eval. Need Gustafs help here

Added callback for parameter change

    • -0
    • +46