• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Don't delete dom trees until returning otherwise subtree references will be deleted too and can not be used once the temporal one is deleted.

add missing keys and spanish translations

Move previous after_upgrade callback that was in install:: namespace to the new apm:: one to avoid confusion

    • -360
    • +417
untabify and indent

untabify and indent

    • -324
    • +324
    • -219
    • +219
Apply show/hide action on activity structure to its children.

Show activity structure element only if there are visible children.

Search next activity only in visible plays

Make deleting dom tree more robust

Fix typo

untabify and indent

untabify and indent

Recursively show/hide activities of a activity_structure

Show only visible activities

Retrieve conditions in order set by the author for robustness.

Reduce code duplication

Untabify and indent

    • -1394
    • +1397
Untabify and indent

Delete dom tree after processing all the depending nodes, otherwise they won't be available anymore (probably a misbehavior of tDom that doesn't keep reference count).

Several fixes, mainly:

- Freeing tdom objects from memory

- Invoking on_completion triggers for acts, plays and method

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
Using a more generic vocabulary without LD specific terms.

Fixing the conditions to show an activity and an act.

Fixing the addition of resources to the environment and the instantiation of a new activity.

Fixing a problem with file properties.

    • -8
    • +19
    • -1
    • +5
  1. … 10 more files in changeset.
Changing the vocabulary to be more user-friendly.

Bug fixing of:

- File properties

- Activity tree visibility conditions

    • -38
    • +21
    • -36
    • +23
Merge from oacs-5-5.

    • -19
    • +22
    • -19
    • +21
  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
Fixing an issue for those instances that dont have a global folder.

Fixing the property group forms, so they dont refresh the whole page but just the content area.

Removing the "Act" node from the activity tree.

Fixed the tree to take the isvisible default as true.

Showing the "select resource" message only if there is more than one resource.

Fixing the individual reports so they work if only the activity_id is provided.

Adding messages to know whats going on during the import of the UoL.

Changing the show/hide panel icon for a more proper one.

file application_side_contract.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-5.

    • binary
file application_side_expand.png was initially added on branch oacs-5-5.

    • binary
Fixing activity report so it can receive either the activity_id or the activity item_id.

    • -3
    • +3
Fixing context.

Changes for tree to save its state.