• last updated 9 hours ago
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Constraints: dates
feed_parser::test::parse_feed is also used by the news-aggregator package, make it public again, document this and claim its coverage

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Make test api private

Deprecate feed_parser::sort_result, trivial wrapper over lreverse used only internally

Deprecate trivial wrapper of HTTP client api

Document public api

Replace deprecated api

Use current HTTP api

Leave xml in its original state and rely on tDOM parser to do the right thing (fixes vanilla tests, keeps working downstream)

Keep test feed in its raw encoding

Streamline proc

Trim whitespace

Fix Test Name

Add test for the news aggregator and feed-parser

news-aggregator will reuse basic test from the feed parser

    • -0
    • +243
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Fix typo, trim whitespace

Revert massive replacement of empty list creation sentences. The use of '[list]' instead of '{}' adds semantics that could be used for performance improvements in the future, such as using a different internal representation. There is already work in this direction, avoiding the generation of the string representation during comparison of empty strings (huge thanks to Stefan Sobernig for the pointer: https://core.tcl.tk/tcl/info/44527c632ed609c2).

  1. … 475 more files in changeset.
Prefer '{}' to '[list]' when creating empty lists

  1. … 204 more files in changeset.
Remove extra bracket

Prefer string operators and 'info exists' over 'string equal', empty_string_p and exists_and_not_null

feed-parser version bumped to 0.3d

Added pub_date field to item arrays (feed-parser)

Use ns_encodingforcharset to find Tcl encoding name in feed_parser::parse_feed.

Bumped feed-parser version to 0.2d now that there are (hopefully) no more dependencies on news-aggregator

feed-parser: Added code to feed_parser::parse_feed so that there is an explicit encoding conversion. This is because of an apparent change in the behavior of ns_httpget in AOLserver 4.0 where the HttpOpenCharset parameter is no longer honored

news-aggregator: Moved all RSS parsing procs over to the feed-parser package.

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Initial import of feed-parser by Guan Yang <guan@unicast.org>

Initial revision

    • -0
    • +139
    • -0
    • +37