• last updated 15 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Adding contact::util::get_ams_list_ids proc to simplify retrieval of the ams list_ids a user has a certain privilege to see

adding relationship 'with ___ is (not) ___' search condition so that people can easily search for all contacts related in a certain way to one specific contact (without having to search for rel with contact in search), and fixing 'relationship in search' search conditions

    • -7
    • +54
Added search condition 'contact interacted with between X and Y dates' and its inverse

    • -17
    • +41
triming value before inserting it in the contacts special_values callback

Make sure empty values are returned if no employer is found

limiting relationship searches to related parties that are visibible to this instance

    • -29
    • +49
replacing join on contact::default_groups with template::util::tcl_to_sql_list

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
added joining of pdfs by using pdfjoin

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
added client_id to cached attributes

updating extend proc for attributes so that type specific attributes such as first_names, last_name, email, organization name, etc are pulled from the type specific table instead of the ams attribute values table, this is both faster and allows other packages to update this information and have it reflected in the extend

Mass commit. Made sure that role_two and object_id_two work with the new relationship adding. Made sure the callback for relationships contains the package_id, I18N groupnames

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
added switch to get employee date from cache

Fixed return_pdf_p problem

Added public searches to the search list

    • -5
    • +16
Cleaning up contact_search widget, setting it to use select_with_optgroup widget instead of select widget and reducting the number of unneeded select lines

    • -17
    • +18
adding package_id to default group select clause

minor bug fixes to contacts::default_groups

adding package_id to a number of procs so that they can be used by packages other than contacts to get information out of a contacts instance

    • -4
    • +16
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
performance improvement to party_p_not_cached query

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
minor bug fixes and adding contact::search::party_p* procs

minor bug fixes, layout cleanup and adding contact::search::party_p_not_cached proc

relationships extension callback was improperly named and overriding attributes extension

Adding support for relationship extend columns

fixing support for contacts::multirow so that a multirow column other than party_id can be used as the extension key

Cleaning up

checking auth::UseEmailForLoginP to see if email is used for username, if not then when a users email address is updated the username no longer also updated

enabling text/html extension of multirow so csv export does not containt html formatting

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added limit_type_p to contact::search_clauses , so that it behaves as it did before performance tuning, this enables performance tuned queries to not use an object tpye limitation, but by default limits based on the search type

fixing bug so taht the party_in_search_sub_clause uses the database key specified by the sql query that is doing the search

    • -3
    • +3
adding util_flush_regexp for person proc information that is cached to the contact::flush proc - since the name was being cached where it shouldn't be