• last updated 7 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
checking auth::UseEmailForLoginP to see if email is used for username, if not then when a users email address is updated the username no longer also updated

enabling text/html extension of multirow so csv export does not containt html formatting

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added limit_type_p to contact::search_clauses , so that it behaves as it did before performance tuning, this enables performance tuned queries to not use an object tpye limitation, but by default limits based on the search type

fixing bug so taht the party_in_search_sub_clause uses the database key specified by the sql query that is doing the search

    • -3
    • +3
adding util_flush_regexp for person proc information that is cached to the contact::flush proc - since the name was being cached where it shouldn't be

adding limit to attributes available in extend columns based on the searches object_type

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
performance improvements to sql queries for group condition type

    • -5
    • +3
doing upgrade to support new more efficient and callback enbled extend_columns

  1. … 9 more files in changeset.
removing site specific references to groups

correcting incorrect message key

initial upload of template::widget::contact_search procs

    • -0
    • +212
    • -0
    • +33
Added support for weblinks in oo-mailings

adding contacts::create_revisions_sweeper proc and setting it to run every 5 minutes

Forgot the group add and the flushing of the organization

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added contacts::person::new procedure

significant performance improvement to the interacted procs i just uploaded

    • -4
    • +5
Adding last interaction contact search condition type and associated catalog messages

    • -1
    • +23
  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Added organization_id to employees

More fixes from the separation of parties, persons and organizations

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
fixing references to party_id that were not - in search condition types is not an id, its the reference to the party_id column, which might be o.organization_id, or p.person_id or parties.party_id, etc.

    • -9
    • +13
removing re-added contact::special_attributes procs because they were moved to to callbacks in the contacts-callback-procs.tcl file, also cleaning up flush proc and making it much cleaner.

Fixes to searches due to my splitting of queries into queries for parties, persons and organizations

    • -5
    • +6
New Procs for special attributes written by timo. New code for the message

  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
adding contact::search::query_clauses callback to contact::search::query_clause to let sites customize how text entry queries on the main contacts page are handled

changing typo package_id_id to package_id

Adding ability to bypass the group::add_member permission check to person_upgrade_to_user

adding package_id to contact::employee::get procs and directphone to lib/message_type interpolation

  1. … 4 more files in changeset.
fixing ams_value__telecom_number output sql code

    • -5
    • +5
converting contact::special_attribute::* procs to callbacks and fixing contact::url proc for package instance awareness

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Removing unnecessary ns_log notice