• last updated 12 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Only allow editing of username for local accounts

Support updating username

Added get_sync_elements wrapper to get the user profile elements controlled by the authority

Do not fail get_parameters if the impl_id doesn't point to an implementation

Added GetElements operation to auth_sync_process

Removed snapshot_p from authorities and put it into the auth_retrieve_document service contract

Fixed test cases

- Code reviewed authority UI

- UseEmailForLoginP

- Refactored snapshot_p out of auth_authorities table and into auth_sync_retrieve service contract

- Email account owner on password change

    • -104
    • +126
    • -3
    • +130
  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
implementing the proc get_register_authority

Made local accounts accept and store screen_name

    • -107
    • +117
    • -15
    • +20
making use of util_text_to_url to generate authority short_name. Improving batch job entry select query

Improved error logging when driver returns bad code

wrapping insert and edit in a transaciton in ::create proc

Use error message from the catch

changing pretty names, auto-generating short_name of authorities, adding the can_admin_system_without_authority_p proc

Fixed account message on creation; fixed email verification

Bug in sending out email verification email

Fixed handling of account messages

Simon added pretty names for the local authentication implementations

adding auth::sync::entry::get proc

Fixed HTTPGet implementation of GetDocument

Batch sync fixed

Moved auth::sync::job::end query into postgresql/oracle files


  1. … 1 more file in changeset.
Convert Tcl booleans to SQL booleans

IMS Enterprise 1.1 driver for batch synchronization

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
making proc authority::create set default values for not required columns. Also making proc use an update statement for 4 columns not taken by the plsql new function

Automating batch sync

updating the authority API with the new columns

Naming change for GetDocument and ProcessDocument service contracts