1. Added an upgrade directory for Oracle. Have we never had upgrade scriptsfor Oracle? Is it being maintained?2. Added Barry Book's fix for 1651, which had earlier been fixed in PG.3. Bumped version from 1.6 to 1.7 so the upgrade script can run.
Proc lang::message::format (used by lang::message::lookup) - implementing ability to have embedded array variables in I18N messages on syntax %var_name.key_name%. Adding corresponding test case.
adding support for variables embedded in I18N messages to have the noquote instruction (from the corresponding adp variable). TODO: make sure we do ad_quotehtml and lang::util::localize on the embedded variables. Adding the proc convert_percentage_signs_to_adp_variables that we don't currently need, but I'm leaving it in in case it would be useful later on.