• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added generation of oo-files, added invoice copy/invoice opening

    • -47
    • +113
    • -43
    • +56
    • -0
    • +8
  1. … 13 more files in changeset.
changed proc to change oo file to accept several files to be replaced

Added additional round of localizations so you could have a locale string within a to be localized string

best_regards message_key

Added util::find_all_files

Fixed a content2, added selecting the spoiler

New version of oo_mailing which returns the directory for the .odt file

    • -57
    • +38
Support for oo_mailing

More german translations

Added jobtitle and locale to employee information

Fix for bug #2732

Fix package body

Got contact::oo::change_content to work

Added OpenOffice utility procedures

fixed the postal address proc which missed the change to an array at

some stages

Added the oo_mailing which I forgot

added support for the country name and the town_line in employees::get

Added support for the default locale

removed mailing_address_data as contact::postal_address::get should be

used instead

Added country and town_line from mailing_address_data

Added spoiler and ps

added proc to get address data

First stab at support for OpenOffice Templates in use for mailings.

    • -0
    • +1
    • -0
    • +191
noquote fix

no need for db specific files for index or person name query

Added parameter for displaying recent activity log entries.

Modified package summary.

Fix #2751

Add clipboard as a module

rollback an inadvertent comment to lars-blogger.css