• last updated 18 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
added ability to upvar ams::values and include empty attributes information

    • -10
    • +28
cleaned up text storage type seperation of format and text value and made it consistent

    • -37
    • +38
Fix Oracle bug -- oracle sql was calling a function where the only API is a procedure. Could never have worked.

Fix Oracle bug -- oracle sql was calling a function where the only API is a procedure. Could never have worked.

Adding support for the DefaultStreetLines parameter and validation of addresses

add limit of results to one for ams_value__postal_address_save and adding ams_attribute_value__value_by_object_id and associated upgrade script

adding support for level b (just parsing and storing it in the db)

    • -38
    • +1213
    • -44
    • +45
Fixed issue with comments not being send out correctly but showing up in the mail tracking.

imsld import callbacks

    • -1
    • +25
Support for changing the invoice recipient to the organization

Support for organizations in employee::get to make coding easier

changed to allows resources being finished in imsld_status_user

    • -74
    • +114
Fixed error with assignees

Added the info-file include for xowiki

    • -0
    • +20
    • -0
    • +40
Added the bug-tracker include for xowiki

    • -0
    • +33
    • -0
    • +109
Fix for dotLRN users that do not have guest rels

upgrade to version 0.20, support for arbitrary objects, definig index page, better rss support. For details, see the last three sections of the documentation page http://media.wu-wien.ac.at/download/xowiki-doc/index.html

    • -13
    • +13
    • -34
    • +63
    • -5
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
    • -4
    • +5
    • -1
    • +3
update to version 0.33, support for initialzing CrItem after they are loaded, tracking creation_user correctly.

fix bug in subscriptions move/copy feature that appears when user can write to exactly 2 aggregators; fix link on index page; bump version to 1.0a

Made sure only SWA can modify the pricelist structure

Missed the organization_id for the price list

Made sure only admins are allowed to view all invoices across all organizations

Upped version number. New I18N strings

Made sure to delete the temporary odt file

Fixed bug due to wrong variable

Added person_title to the employee attributes

Removed some of the default attributes for contacts. In the long run we should probably have a attribute_create procedure and an attribute_mapping procedure

Support for oo_mailings banner and post scriptum

Made sure that you can live without a freelancer group

Fixed e-mail sending