• last updated 8 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
log a debug message for procs declared in a namespace eval rather than explicit namespace

fixing shipping calculation for shipping-gateway when at least one item is not shippable

Added permission link

clarifying a message, and providing an opportunity to add an address

completing feature addition, bug 2281, that shows shipping options in the shopping-cart

    • -11
    • +16
    • -36
    • +116
updating description of a parameter so users have easier time knowing what to fill in

Bringing in fixes from HEAD

Bringing in a fix from HEAD.

group assessments by community or class

removing a random character added by my fumbling fingers

fixing shipping calculation discrepency for cases where there are different products with at least one item, but not all items where no_shipping_avail_p is true

adding ability for shopping-cart to show the value of any shipping options if available. This does not include cases that use shipping gateway, but I'll see about adding that over the next day or so

    • -16
    • +97
removing some website content from the original that managed to slip earlier filtering passes

Cleanup build_query proc a little. Add automated tests for build_query.

comment out query for now since the it breaks in a transaction -- hardcode acs-subsite

missed the subsite-procs app group create query names somehow tip 76

missing close querytext

fix lingering broken ad links

another tip 76 change for hardcoded acs-subsite

fix to use ad_conn subsite_url

first part of tip 76 -- multiple packages as subsites adds a subsite::package_keys function for listing subsites, and uses it instead of hard coding acs-subsite all over

    • -0
    • +43
    • -63
    • +147
typo two log messages

    • -3
    • +2
add a details common key

add the good permissions screen, add a new version link to the index page, don;t make things owned by 0 in install callback

    • -0
    • +5
    • -0
    • +25
make the search indexer much more robust to errors in the datasource or indexing routines -- catch + emit traceback for errors

    • -28
    • +29
updating another link to use archive.org, standardizing some grammar

updating some of the descriptions to more accurately reflect current package status

Add -nocase to regsub for NOT operator at the beginnign of query string.

add an explicit cast of proname in drop_package needed in pg8

dont get s_profile__start_clock() w/o checking if it exists