• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
make missing variable for category tree not a fatal error for category::ad_form::get_categories

namespace qualifier needed for ds_enabled_p

adding catalog file with notification messages that I forgot to add earlier

file workflow.en_US.ISO-8859-1.xml was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

Had to fix these to include package_id as well.

Minor whacks to make this work with Timo's changes to core - untested under

Oracle at the moment ...

Added back the ability to edit or delete an extlink as well as actually visit

the URL of the extlink. Fixes bug#1661

Oops ... didn't pass all the necessary properties to the theme template

Changed the path of the subsite portlet to point directly to the acs-subsite


Added comment and contract tag defenitions

Added sidebar-style layouts, improved a bunch of minor things

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  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
Made the includable subsites template work (the link to register etc include

the full subsite URL but the link to visit the subsite did not, which means

it didn't work when included as a portlet.

removed spurious package/acs-notification for acs-core alias, add catagories to dotlrn-prereq and dotwrk alias bug 1669

Moving metadata about metadata to the /system root

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file upgrade-1.0.0b3-1.0.0b4.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

implementing support for groups mapped to a simulation to be marked multiple_cases_p which means that their users can (and should) be cast in many groups. Ticket 41

Added some alternative ways to show the data.

file flatmd.adp was initially added on branch dotkul.

file xml.tcl was initially added on branch dotkul.

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file flatmd.tcl was initially added on branch dotkul.

adding notes on tclwebtest autotests

When adding a user to a group we were checking read permission on the users offered for selection. Since all OpenACS users have a null context_id only the site-wide-admin would have read privilege on them. To also allow subsite admins to add users to groups I removed the read privilege check on the users. See http://openacs.org/forums/message-view?message_id=171339

bump to 5.1.0a1, rename upgrade-5.0.0-5.1.0.sql to upgrade-5.1.0d1-5.1.0d2 since if the from version was 5.0.1 it would not be run, also 5.1.0 was higher than the existing version in the .info file so it would not get run in any case. bug 1673

file upgrade-5.1.0d1-5.1.0d2.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-1.

message lookup fixes (removing trailing underscore)

repair the borkulated provides lines for core packages may fix bug 1669

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Fixed a problem with invalid date insertion.

Fiddled a bunch of stuff ... and added the portal admin portlet

Don't call tdav::respond on GET. There is no need to compose an XML response

on GET.

Added a missing join condition