• last updated 4 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
file upgrade-4.0-4.6.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

Fix typo that caused number_list to return an empty_list

Fix typo that caused number_list to return and empty list every time.

Changed this file to make sure that a user can delete and admin perms on

files they upload via the file-storage UI. Previously if you only had

write privs on a folder, you couldn't delete or admin privs on your own

files uploaded to the folder.

Added Sloan "+" graphic for adding an item

    • -2
    • +2
Fixed bug #100 - the gif file wasn't being found

improved date formattining in export bug#125

Fixed missing backspace at end of line problem

Use parameter::get and paramter::set_value instead of the old procs, which caused things to not work as expected.

seperated the product_update query by db, used sysdate for oracle, and now() for postgresql

Typo in query caused URLs to be listed many, many times

Changed "timestamp" to "timestamptz" so it works with pg 7.3.x

Fixed ec_product__new query, it hadn't worked because only 14 of the 16 necessary variables had been specified previously

Migrated the 4.6.1 permissions stuff to HEAD

Added comment only re. number_p returns true for empty_string.

Added base multi-db support to the db_* API.

    • -72
    • +225
Made ns_logs slightly clearer.

Missing quotehtml around value.

Merged over changes 1.24 - 1.28 from HEAD

file upgrade-1.2d6-1.2d7.sql was initially added on branch oacs-4-6.

adding an upgrade script to version 1.2d7 that fixes problem of earlier upgrade not recreating a proc that was changed temporarily

Fixed bug when content starts with dash.

andrewp commit on acs-tcl acs-core-docs acs-bootstrap-installer

Removed merge error accidently committed a couple of days ago ...

    • -27
    • +1
You can once again mount/dismount subsites and delete of subsite works in

the simple case (i.e. when you've deleted everything you've added to it

via the site map or group/user/relseg admin UI)

Added title and CVS Id.

Make a proc, 'get_etp_url', which gets just the URL, so you can place, style, and title the link yourself.

Put header in p and b tags instead of div.

Tiny UI improvements

Don't display title_url_base if empty