
  • last updated 19 hours ago
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Make XOTcl tests runnable again from plain tarball/git checkout

- prepare for providing nx as a tcl module (.tm file). this is just a preparation, since for testing, one cannot set up a path that prefers a local copy over a global installed one (the global tcl-site is preferred over the one specified in e.g. TCL8_5_TM_PATH)

  1. … 3 more files in changeset.
- keep this single pkgIndex.tcl

- keep packages versions from 2.0 and 1.0 disjoint

  1. … 28 more files in changeset.
- removed third level from libary/pkgIndex.tcl (not needed)

  1. … 2 more files in changeset.
Make library/pkgIndex.tcl traversing three directory levels (instead of just 2). This is necessary to catch the packages and library/xotcl/library. As a symptom, xocomm.test failed. This was because it was picking up comm packages in the install, rather than the source tree which did not reflect the changes in the nested object dispatches: [my connection foo] -> [[self]::connection foo]

restructured directory to remove superfluous directory xotcl

  1. … 749 more files in changeset.