• last updated 9 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
- modernize HTML

    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
- modernize HTML

    • -531
    • +531
    • -245
    • +245
- modernize HTML

  1. … 192 more files in changeset.
- replace <b> and <i> tags by <strong> and <em> tags

- improve validity of HTML

- updated postgres information (removed fully obsolete information and broken links)

- updated constraint naming (_idx was missing)

  1. … 106 more files in changeset.
- brace expression

- modernize SQL

- apply fresh patches to oacs-5-9 branch

    • -15
    • +15
    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1
    • -4
    • +4
    • -3
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 39 more files in changeset.
- tighten page contracts

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 15 more files in changeset.
- make sure, only swa try to execute this script

- modernize HTML markup

- follow adp converions for properties

    • -3
    • +3
    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
    • -3
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- remove deprecated calls

    • -2
    • +2
    • -3
    • +3
    • -3
    • +3
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
  1. … 5 more files in changeset.
- modernize Tcl

    • -14
    • +14
    • -1
    • +1
    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
    • -10
    • +10
- use base tables in queries instead of mega-view cc_users

- renamed array variables passed to xowiki-templates from

"property_doc" and "property_body" simply to "doc" and "body":

reasoning: this makes it more uniform to use this variables already

in the xowiki .adp files with the same name as in the master


- added @body.menubarHTML@ to allow the higher level master templates

to place the menubar. On the longer range, we might even prefer

@body.menubar@ to pass a generic (skin-agnostic) representation.

- replaced the hard wired placement of the menubar by a adp-controlled


- added @body.title@ to provide a title suitable for <h1> in contrast

to @doc.title@ which is for <title>. Prefer usage of @body.title@

over @title@, but the latter variable is still provided.

- added csrf protection for wiki-search

- make separaton from global and local parameters clear

Javascript support for streaming ajax based chat interface

    • -0
    • +73

- when a package is deleted, which is already disabled, the

"before-uninstall" callback was not executed.

- Reason: apm_version_id_from_package_key returns just enabled packages

- the new version of apm_version_id_from_package_key has an optional

argument "-all" to return enabled or disabled version_ids

- fix variable name

- fix for bug #2962

Admin pages for groups (one.tcl)

- list always admins, components, members (not only direct relationships)

- Provide a heading, which gives clearer context info (what group of what type is managed)

Admin pages for group-types:

- Provide a heading, which gives clearer context info (what kind of group_type is managed)

- list pretty name and supertype

- list as well "Registered Users" (there should be a better way of doing this)

- Provide a title to show what members are managed

- add optional parameter group_id to manage other groups as well

Bugfix: not possible to define group types over admin interface:

- Remove dependency on "user_objects" in PostgreSQL code: This table

is an interface to Oracle's data dictionary and gives access to all

defined objects (tables, views, functions, packages, ...) and is

used to check, whether code has to be recompiled after some update.

This code check is now deactivated for PostgreSQL for the time


- Without this change, it was not possible to define group

types in postgres over the admin interface (in acs-subsite)

- redefine dotlrn_community__new with p_archived_p defined as boolean

- www/admin/term.tcl: allow negative values for term_id

    • -2
    • +2
    • -2
    • +2
file upgrade-2.9.1d2-2.9.1d3.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

- cleanup for last commit (remove old function defs with varchar for boolean attributes)

file upgrade-2.9.1d1-2.9.1d2.sql was initially added on branch oacs-5-9.

- don't substitute message keys in message-usage-include.adp, otherwise the include is useless, since the whole point is to list occurances of the message keys