check constraints before starting assessment; check time constraints when submitting responses; added ip_mask to as_assessments; added indexes to speed up datamodel
We can further simplify the display query when using the paginator becausewe don't need to include the filter clauses that are used to restrict therows returned. The paginator returns a list of ids that have already beenso restricted so the filter clauses are redundant in the display query.
Switched views for filtered queries that return a bug assigned to aparticular user. The workflow views invoked in these queries simplydo not scale well. This needs to be addressed fundamentally in workwflowat some point but hacking bug-tracker seems easiest for now.
Internationalized the download reasons (other). Sadly this looks like an aweful cludge, if someone else know how to solve this better, feel free to do so
Now the xml files are accepted by the lorsm template, it have to be analized how to manage the xml files, as a temporal fix the lorsm template is not trying to convert the xml file into a html file