• last updated 1 hour ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
changed email

- Improved doc for ad_returnredirect

- Removed remaining ref to -abort_p on ad_returnredirect.

fixed parent_url

Use user-message for expired login

added sorting by name, added links to list

Set user message when login is expired

added sorting by name, fixed links in list

added sorting by name

corrected context_bar

improved error message, order categories before delete to delete leaf nodes first

included links to category links admin pages

After adding a file, you did not return to the folder which you uploaded the file to, but to the main folder of the package. This has been fixed.

Fixed references to user_group_types table: It's now called group_types (and has been for 3+ years)

In my opinion the title should be displayed in the same way, regardless if there is a URL involved or not. Changed the location of <p> Tags accordingly.

For categories to work the switch has to be called container_object_id, at least in the current checkout of categories.

Added the catalog files for i18n (forgot in last commit).

Added internatioanlization. Added language catalog files from old survey system as well.

    • -2
    • +3
  1. … 14 more files in changeset.
Fixed a query bug. Ported to postgresql.

Added template::widget::block for the new survey system.

Fixed the create and drop statements.

Fix content_item_copy2 to use NULL for target name instead of empty string.

Fix syntax error in content_folder copy.

Use site_node(instance_name) for folder label. Use object_id of file-storage

package for cr_folder name. All file storage root folders have the same

parent_id so we need to ensure a unqiue cr_items.name.

Added define_function_arg calls to non-content-revision objects and to

create_type and create_attributes, so we can do these operations via

Tcl. Content revisions, due to LOB/non-LOB issues and the incompatibility

of LOB operations between DBs need their own "smart" Tcl API.

fixed chapter numbering via new docbooks-xsl

Fixed bug in creation of pm_tasks_xrefs table

adding new locales from the translation server and making them part of the 5.0.1 upgrade scripts

moved procs for integration in ad_form to seperate file since they are in seperate namespace anyway

    • -0
    • +67
file dotlrn-static.ch_zh.utf-8.xml was initially added on branch dotlrn-2-0.

file news-portlet.ch_zh.utf-8.xml was initially added on branch dotlrn-2-0.

file news-portlet.RO_RO.utf-8.xml was initially added on branch dotlrn-2-0.