Moved a bunch of silly logic embedded in individual portlets into the portalpackage itself. For instance, it is silly to have portal::element::rendercall the portal show proc that then calls portal::show_proc_helper to do allthe work!!! Portal has everything it needs to call the portlet template allby itself. Etc ad nauseum.
bug fixing the cast page and making it functionally complete by adding open casting. Links only show up if there are empty slots. Users are however not listed on the cast page and we would like them to be
Approved Dirk's changes (thanks a lot) and put them into the upgrade scripts as well. I did not test the upgrade, maybe someone with a running Oracle installation can do.
Fixed the create table statements, so that the tables are being created under Oracle. Not sure about the semantics, needs to be double-checked by Malte (see #1393)