• last updated 23 hours ago
Constraints: committers
Constraints: files
Constraints: dates
Added acs-kernel.common_Administration message key

group::add_member now handles admin_rels correctly, so we don't need the bandaid here

Delete the site nodes and the instances in separate transactions, since most packages don't delete their instances cleanly

Honor unstrusted logins

If IndexRedirectUrl is set, and it's a package inside the subsite, show that as the first tab

focus on forms

Moved 'view reponse' up next to the survey name, because it shows all responses for this survey on one page

    • -6
    • +9
Template the ad_page_contract complain page

    • -0
    • +23
Template the error page

    • -0
    • +17
title as 'instance_name Parameters' instead of just 'Parameters'

Fixed dependency on dotlrn bug: Even though the code tried to check, it still called a dotlrn proc in order to find out if dotlrn was installed

    • -1
    • +7
Wrapping the output of element::render in [string trim] so that it doesn't pre- or append spaces before the output, to avoid borking html layouts that depend on having no spaces in the form, e.g. so that input elements don't get wrapped inside a td tag.

- Added focus to some form pages

- Fixed simple i18n bug

Go directly to log page when there's only one project

Make comments and blogroll include-optional

Use edit/delete gifs and standard location

Removing members now requires user_id, not rel_id, because we may need to remove more than one rel

Remove both membership_rel and admin_rel when removing members

Also offer to add users who already have an admin_rel, but no membership_rel

Made relation_add not bomb with stupid 'can't read rel_id: no such variable' error when relation already exists

- Added group::remove_member proc

- Fixed group::add_member, so if you're adding a non-membership_rel member, we also add a membership_rel

Bug in bug-tracker workflow: 'allowed_role', not 'allowed_roles'

- Added database field length checks.

Added test case for ad_html_security_check_href_allowed

TODO note

Sending a message

adding ability to upload documents to the porfolio of a simulation case

We can now work the case, execute actions, etc. Messages still not being sent

::get_enabled_action API

More simplay